Maybe you really want something, but you can’t seem to manifest it. Perhaps it feels like your efforts in manifestation are fruitless and wasted. Maybe you’ve given up because “manifestation never works” for you.
Here are 5 tips that help me get out of that low feeling of frustration:
Write it down
What do you want? Why do you want it?
- Write it down – pen/pencil and paper, no typing. you need to physically put those words on paper.
Example: I want a good job — because I need to learn new skills / because I need a change of scenery / because (fill in the blank)
Do you think you deserve it, and why?
- The answer should ALWAYS be yes, and you need to write why you deserve it as if your best friend was doubting their deserving of something they want.
Example: Yes — because I want to learn new things / because I deserve to be happy / because (your reason here)
Get more specific
Being vague will get you nothing. What exactly do you want?
Example: Instead of “I want to work at a clinic”, try “I want a job as a veterinary tech.”
Example: Instead of “I want to lose weight this year”, try “I want to lose 5 pounds by June”
Be realistic
If you don’t already have the tools to acquire the thing that you want, you will have to allow for time to develop those tools, whether it’s a matter of purchases, schooling, research, etc. You cannot try to manifest something that you are not currently qualified for. (ex: college dropout manifesting a job as a space engineer)
Also consider that if you are given a timeline (like a hiring process expectation of 2 months), then you should not try to manifest the acceptance sooner than the provided timeline.
These ones are my favorites…
Be on YOUR OWN team
YOU are the only one that can manifest for YOU.
So think positive things and believe in yourself! KNOW that a future version of you is out there with the results of your present manifestations.
Be KIND to yourself. You really do deserve to be happy
Speak it into existence
When you talk about it, think, feel, and speak as though it is your present experience to have the thing you’re manifesting. I find this to be easiest in gratitude:
Example 1: I am so grateful I have my dream job as a vet tech.
Example 2: I am so grateful I reached my weight loss goal of 5 pounds by June.
Example 3: I am so grateful that I have financial freedom
Bonus: Do the work to make it happen, and live your life as if your manifestation has already arrived.
I learned all of these things from The Secret, and I invite you to dive in and discover more for yourself. Don’t take my word for it, see how this book can change your life.

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