A Game of Thrones – Book 1 Intro

Game of Thrones promises battles, dragons, clans and common folk versus royalty, and much more. Though the show was released in April 2011, supporters remain faithful as Max (formerly HBO Max) continually generates spin-offs.

George R. R. Martin certainly gave producers a lot of content to spark their imaginative fires to create the show! However, those same producers were not able to stuff all of the important details into the long, nearly 1-hour episodes of the on-screen productions.

I’m here to fill you in on what you may have missed if you’ve only ever seen the show.

The very long waiting period between releases of the House of Dragon seasons 2 and 3 was the inspiration to somehow keep this world in my life every week. I explain more about this in my TikTok introduction post about this very topic!


If I could learn a fictional language.. it would be Valyrian. Welcome to my Series — Books versus Movies/Shows #GameofThrones #BookTok #GoT #houseofthedragon #booksvsshows #GRRMartin #max #hbomax #spoilers @Hbo Max

♬ original sound – Marisa E

Game of Thrones is the first of 5 published books by George R. R. Martin, collectively titled A Song of Ice and Fire.

Book 1 (A Game of Thrones) runs exactly with Season 1 of the show. The main ideas are aligned correctly, though some of the chapters are out of sequence with the episode’s specific scenes.


So if you haven’t seen the show, go watch it on Max!

You’re welcome to leave comments and let me know what you think! Did the left-out details really make a difference or not?

If you want to read along, check out the same set I have on Amazon HERE! I love this leather bound, pocket size set of books. They’re convenient for travel and fit easily into my purse!

Have any questions? Let me know what you think!


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