Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things, S1E4

Season 1, Episode 4

Welcome to Season 1, Episode 4.

<< If you’d rather watch the shorter version, here’s my TikTok recap on this episode

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Bran has turned 8. He insists that he never falls, but in the show, he admits to having fallen. In the show, he says he would rather be dead. Tyrion visits him and gives him the design of a custom saddle. Tyrion is tackled by the direwolves but is saved by Bran.

Bran has a dream that represents what happened to him. He is climbing the tower and sees gargoyles at the top. He is in denial of hearing their conversations and promises himself that he’s safe so long as he doesn’t hear them. They catch him and come closer to him in a threatening way. Hodor is there when he wakes and prepares Bran for the dinner/feast.


Samwell Tarly (15yrs) arrives at the wall. Immediately, he is targeted and Jon defends him. Grenn and Pyp defend Jon as Allister sets three strong boys against him. Jon & his friends win, but Jon’s shoulder gets hurt. The boys make friends with Sam.

Jon does his chores with Ghost. He sits with Sam at dinner and then takes him outside for a walk/talk. Sam cries, and Ghost licks his tears. Jon tells Sam of his dream of Winterfell and the crypt “I’m not a Stark”. Sam tells Jon of Horne and how his father disowned him by sending him to the Wall. Sam befriends the other boys and Jon says they’re all brothers now.


Dany arrives in Vaes Dothrak, the city of the horse lords. Viserys feels entitled to the Dothraki people. In the book, no one respects Viserys anymore. He is known as a “walker”, or in other words, he’s no better than the other poor people that have no horse to ride.

Dany regrets hitting Viserys. Jorah helps Dany realize that Viserys would be a terrible King. In her tent, Dany sees “a finger of dusty red light” touch her dragon eggs. 


She goes to the tournament and is in awe of the decorations, the people, and everything she imagined. She witnesses a death but remains composed. She thinks of how a proper lady behaves, and does her best to stay within those standards. We see how apathetic she can be towards those without a connection to her. The final four were Jaime, Loras Tyrell, the Hound, and his brother the Mountain. Sansa has a crush on Loras.

Sansa fears that Joffrey hates her for what happened with Nymeria. Sansa decides that she hates Arya and the Queen for Lady’s death. Joffrey is pleasant with Sansa, and the Queen and King fight publicly about Robert joining in the tournament the next day. Cersei gets up and leaves. The Hound escorts Sansa back to her room, and tells his story about how his brother scarred him and made him this way. Then he takes her home and threatens to kill her if she tells his story.


Ned sits with Maester Pycelle and learns about Jon Arryn’s death. It was as normal as could be, no one suspected anything. Ned suggested poison as a woman’s weapon, and Pycelle suggested that eunuchs also use poison. Ned asks for the books that Jon Arryn borrowed before his death, they were of the lineage of the great houses. 

He finds Arya practicing balance for her sword dance. She asks what Bran will do when he grows up and what he could do. Arya asks if she could do those things, and Ned says no and leaves her.

Littefinger waits in Ned’s room and tells Ned he’s being watched. He also gives names of informants and persons close to Jon Arryn. He tells Ned to send a trusted servant to get information about these named persons.

In another small council meeting — the King’s Commander lists off all of the crimes from incoming Knights & parties. Ned offers 20 of his guards and more from the King’s recruits. He gets ready to get more info from the Armorer. Ned makes it to the blacksmith’s place and discovers that Jon Arryn was looking for Robert Baratheon’s bastard son, Gendry. Gendry is shy, but stubborn and slightly rude.


Dany had her handmaids create hand-sewn clothing for Viserys. He took it as a condescending offer and gets upset with Dany. He comes into her tent fuming and furious. He slaps her and she smacks him back with the gold chain belt she had made for him. She threatens him and tells him that he better remember who he’s dealing with.


On horseback, heading back to Winterfell, they pass more knights headed to King’s Landing. She goes unrecognized. They stop at an inn for the night. Catelyn contemplated visiting her father in Riverrun, or her sister in the Eyrie. While they eat dinner, Tyrion Lannister arrives at that same inn and causes an arrogant scene. Catelyn calls upon the houses that are loyal to her to seize Tyrion and take him back to Winterfell to wait for the King’s justice.

If you want to read along, check out the same set I have on Amazon HERE! I love this leather bound, pocket size set of books. They’re convenient for travel and fit easily into my purse!

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