I lost 40 pounds – Here’s what works for me

When I moved to Peru, I got a stomach parasite that forced me into a 50 pound weight loss. When I came home, the doctors flushed my stomach and I healed (mostly)… and then I regained *almost* all of the weight I left in Peru.

There is no quick fix that will give you life-long results. Do it the right way, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

I’ve been considered overweight for most of my life. I’m a tall woman with broad shoulders and hips, so I just assumed I would always be “big boned”… Not the case.

Think of any weight loss gimmick — I’ve tried it. Anything that doesn’t cost loads of money? I’ve tried that, too. You might be looking for an easy answer that I simply cannot give you…

The thing that really did it in the end was diet and exercise. Now hold on, I don’t mean “diet” like Keto, Paleo, WeightWatchers, or whatever.

1. I mean awareness of what I give my body.

In August of 2023, I chose to adopt a meatless diet, specifically Lacto-Vegetarian. This means I don’t eat meat or eggs, but I still eat all dairy. Check out my recipes here.

I’ve never liked meat – not the way it tastes, the texture, or even the way it makes my stomach hurt. Going plant-based helped me because when I cooked meals with meat, I would often overcompensate with dairy (cheese, mostly) to cover the flavor/texture of the meat. Doing that would add lots of calories to my meals and I would over-consume. When I went plant-based, I noticed I used a lot less cheese to cover other flavors.

    Talk about too much dairy….😬

    I also used the MyFitnessPal app to track my foods to become more aware of my eating habits. I was hit with a rude awakening when I got annoyed with myself about how frequently I was picking up my phone to log another snack, watching the calories pile up….

    2. Exercise Specifically cardio

    I call myself a runner. I like to run/jog/walk, but I haven’t always been very good at it.

    I like the app Couch to 5K. It helps you start as a beginner (or couch potato) and coaches you through 9 weeks of training to run/jog a 5K! I’ve used it for over 5 years and I have restarted the program at least 6 times by now.

    Cardio works for me because I like how my legs feel after a good run. It’s also a journey of mind over matter. Through this coaching app, I’ve learned to push myself mentally to reach physical goals.

    Cardio also burns fat, and I knew when I started, that even if I tried lifting weights, I wouldn’t see results because I had too much body fat. SO I stuck to running only.

    It wasn’t always glamourous… but it was always worth it

    3. I manifested this – and then I worked for it

    I will never doubt the power of manifestation. It has gotten me to where I am in life and I couldn’t be more grateful.

    Your mindset REALLY matters!!!!!!

    Through the years, I was stuck in a cyclical pattern… workout successfully for two or three weeks. I didn’t see immediate results, so I gave up. Or I was “too tired” or “one cheat day won’t hurt”…


    Believing “I never reach my goals” and “I can’t lose weight” will become your truth if you keep telling yourself that. This book taught me everything I know about manifestation.

    The way you THINK is the way you LIVE

    4. Bonus tip: Having a habit tracker has helped keep me accountable because I can see the days where I was slacking and other days where I really went for it! I like to use this one.

    I am still working towards my goals and getting stronger everyday. I now follow the Blogilates workout calendar online and do Pilates in my living room in the morning before work. I also workout at the gym at my workplace on my lunch breaks.

    💪 A body in motion stays in motion

    Have any questions? Let me know what you think!

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