Lord Snow, S1E3

Season 1, Episode 3

Welcome to Season 1, Episode 3, Lord Snow.

<< If you’d rather watch the shorter version, here’s my TikTok recap on this episode

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Ned arrives in King’s Landing and is immediately called to the small council. They discuss how the King wants to hold a tournament in honor of the new Hand. All true to the book.


Unwritten scene between Cersei and Joffrey – Cersei tells Joffrey that as King, the truth will be what he makes it. She spoils him. She teaches him Royal strategy. “Everyone who isn’t us is an enemy”. This scene is just more background and character development for Cersei and Joffrey, as it wasn’t in the book at all.



Bran has turned 8. Old Nan tells Bran the story of the white walkers. Maester Luwin enters and tells Bran that Tyrion has come to visit him… we will touch on this in the next episode….


She makes it to King’s Landing by boat and is shut up in an Inn. The Boat’s Captain sells info of her location to Lord Varys who finds her and brings her to Littlefinger. He offers to help Cat. We find out that the dagger belongs to Littlefinger.

Ned gets news of Bran and is taken to Cat. They discover that the dagger belongs to Littlefinger, but was taken by Tyrion. Littlefinger offers to help them figure it out. They discuss strategy and then Ned sends her back home


He is sparring with the other recruits and breaks Grenn’s wrist. The boys fight him in the armory. Donal Noye, the armorer, not Tyrion, as in the show, stops them and has a chat with Jon. Jon gets a letter that Bran is awake and, in his excitement, he joyfully offers to teach the other recruits how to fight. This angers Ser Allister and he mutters a foreshadowed threat under his breath. We also learn that his Uncle Benjen has been out, North of the wall since Jon’s arrival, with no word of return…

More Unwritten Scenes


This is her chapter of travels. All true to the show except when Viserys grabs her throat, she shoves him off before he’s caught with a whip. Then, she commands that his horse be taken and he walks behind them all. Dany says, “Let everyone see him as he is.” Jorah obeys Dany. He helps her realize what a terrible King Viserys would be.

She discusses dragon eggs with her handmaids and then learns to make love. She takes the Khal in open air, for all to see, and is pregnant by her 14th birthday.


He dines with the others at the Wall and makes his jokes. He says farewell to all. Maester Aemon blindly sees that Tyrion is metaphorically a large man. There’s a talking raven that follows Mormont around and repeats things. Mormont provides 3 strong swords to protect Tyrion on his travels back south, in exchange for help from the King/Queen. Tyrion tries to get Jon on the crew but is refused. He meets Jon on the Wall and Jon asks Tyrion to deliver messages to Bran – Jon asks Tyrion to give Bran advice or something, one broken man to another broken man-to-be. Tyrion promises to do his best.

Jon calls Tyrion a friend. Jon says that if Benjen doesn’t return, he’ll go to find Benjen for himself, with Ghost. Tyrion takes his leave.

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