The Wolf and the Lion, S1E5

Season 1, Episode 5

Welcome to Season 1, Episode 5.

<< If you’d rather watch the shorter version, here’s my TikTok recap on this episode

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Ned is troubled by the death of Ser Hugh because he was a link to Jon Arryn’s death. He wonders how such a coincidence could’ve occurred. Robert wants to fight in the Tournament. The queen forbids him.

Ned notices that the King is surrounded by Lannisters.. In the book, the King gets ready to fight in the second day of the tournament and he expresses to Ned his frustrations towards the Queen and his loathing of Joffrey. He wonders how he could’ve produced an offspring like that.. EVERYTHING ELSE is true to the book, the Hound wins the Tournament by Loras’ forfeit. 

The girls have a moment of bonding over a feast after the tournament where Arya excitedly displays her bruises from dance lessons and Sansa dreamily recounts the day to Arya. Ned has a thought to stop Arya’s lessons for her wellbeing…


Tyrion is held captive by Lady Stark on the way to the Eyrie — all true to the show. Tyrion saves Cat from the free men and gains a little bit of her trust, even though she won’t admit it. He tries to convince her of his innocence, but she isn’t willing to hear him out.


Arya is chasing cats and finds her way to the room full of dragon skulls. Varys and Illyrio are whispering about the latest news:

Arya runs and tells Ned what she heard but he doesn’t believe her 🙁 Ned doesn’t like that she’s wandering the castle and tells her to send Syrio to him next time she sees him. 

Yoren (Recruiter from the Wall) enters to deliver news to Ned, but asks Arya to be excused. He tells Ned of Tyrion’s capture by Cat.


Lord Varys visits Ned in his quarters. He tells Ned how the Queen and Jamie conspired to get the King killed in the tournament. The Queen forbade the King to fight because she knew it would make the king more likely to go against her word. Varys tells Ned that there will soon be other attempts on the King’s life. Varys reveals that the squire was hired to kill Jon Arryn, and was killed on purpose before Ned could talk to him.


Cat makes it to the Bloody Gate, meeting her Uncle Brynden Blackfish, who guards it. Brynden lends a listening ear to Cat and her troubles as they make their trip to the Eyrie. Brynden gives the backstory on Lysa and her troubles as wife of the Hand. Lysa commands her people to respect her son, though he is a whiny child.

When Cat makes it to the base of the climb to the Eyrie, word is delivered that Lysa demands Cat’s presence immediately. A baseborn girl, Mya Stone, guides Cat up the steep mountain…. She is unknowingly one of King Robert’s offspring.

Tyrion is taken to the ‘dungeons’ which is a room with 3 walls, the fourth opening the room to the sky and a long fall to the earth below.

When Cat arrives at Lysa’s door, Lysa feigns joy until the guards are gone, and then turns angry with Cat and scolds her for bringing Tyrion there. The child Robert enters, frail and sickly. Lysa coos over him and tells of how Jon would say “The seed is strong” and kept saying the name “Robert”. He was trying to warn her, but she took it as praise for their son.


At the King’s council, Varys delivers news that Dany is pregnant – news reported by Ser Jorah. Ned tries to help the King see how ruthless it is to kill Dany and her unborn child. The King thinks he’s wrong, and Varys justifies the plot. 

The majority rule decides that she needs to die. Varys suggests poison, the same poison used to kill Jon Arryn. 

Ned defies Robert and removes his clasp representing his title, saddened and disappointed in the King.  Robert commands him out.

Ned returns to his room and prepares to return to Winterfell by boat with his daughters. 

He plans to visit Stannis Baratheon in Dragonstone. Littlefinger enters and taunts Ned. He offers to take Ned to the brothel he’s been searching for.

Ned goes to the brothel and finds another of Roberts baseborn daughters, an infant. He is reminded by a memory of Lyanna that Robert fathered a daughter in the Vale 18 years ago .. (Mya Stone, the girl that helps Cat up to the Eyrie). Littlefinger tells Ned about Robert’s other baseborn children… A boy at Storm’s End, twins by a Lannister that were killed and mother sold to slavers by Cersei.  Ned asks why Jon Arryn would be interested in these children. Littlefinger suggests that its because Arryn knew that the King had other children, and the Lannisters didn’t want that info getting out. 

Jaime approaches with his soldiers. Littlefinger is caught in the middle, trying to ease the tension. Ned declares that Tyrion was taken by his command. Littlefinger runs away after telling Ned that he’ll bring the city watch. Jaime puts his sword away when Ned says that Cat will kill Tyrion if Ned dies. Jaime has his men kill Ned’s men, with Ned helplessly defending them. Jaime rides off, escaping, and Ned’s horse falls onto him, breaking his leg. Littlefinger returns with the City Watch and they take Ned to the Maester, who gives him milk of the poppy. He falls unconscious.

If you want to read along, check out the same set I have on Amazon HERE! I love this leather bound, pocket size set of books. They’re convenient for travel and fit easily into my purse!

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